Vasko Cholancheski

acts with intent
Vasko is a person who combines pragmatism with creativity, resulting in a chaos of positivity. I immediately noticed how Vasko deftly turns his thoughts into answers, showing, as much as he could, a wide range of thoughts. I’d ask him a simple question – what’s your favorite movie? – and he’d give a wide description of the experience of watching it, where he was and who was with him, the emotions he felt, and what he thought the director wanted to say (and even offered me a playlist of the soundtrack.). He tries to capture his experience in a simple, relatable way which brings you closer to him and makes you feel part of his daily life.
Vasko’s interests mean a lot more to him than simply something he does to fill his days. Academically, he’s most excited about chemistry and biology – he wants to study them outside of the regular curriculum “out of good old-fashioned curiosity, and the excitement of understanding more about the world.” He’s already started studying organic chemistry on his own! Outside of academics, he loves drawing and painting. He told me about the best spots around Skopje where you can relax and create – his favorite is Mount Vodno, a place with a good view of the city and picnic spots. His time for maximum enjoyment is the last week of the school year – the start of summer! – because he gets to go to Vodno with his friends.
In the video he sent us before his final interview, Vasko was sitting in front of a canvas in his room. He explained what he’s about to do and how the metaphor is going to work. While painting the background, he told us basic facts about his life. He then started painting more detail and supplemented it by telling us about his interests. While wrapping up the painting, he told us about his future plans. The video showed me just how much intention there is behind every step Vasko takes. Just when I thought I got the gist of the video, Vasko told us that the inspiration for the painting was a photo of Dojran, a lake-side city in the South, where he spent a lot of time in his grandma’s house. Dojran and his family have a special meaning for him, so he gifted the painting to his grandma.
The “chaos of positivity” I mentioned earlier is a direct result of Vasko’s various interests. When he talks about something, he doesn’t only focus about the most predictable parts of it, but instead gives a view into his entire thought process! That’s why, when he’s cooking or painting, he says we have to have the patience to wait, and points out the beauty of those seemingly boring moments. “I actually enjoy waiting, because it gives me the chance to appreciate the end-results more,” he said. If you ever find yourself in a conversation with Vasko, there’s a ton you can learn from him – and rest assured he will reciprocate by learning about you as well.
P.S. If you’re a fan of Conan Gray, you must contact him – this is an official request from Vasko :)
Jana Kraleva,
July 2024