Leona Lozanovska

wants tо be versatile
Мy interview dialogue with Leona ran effortlessly and naturally, mostly due to her spectrum of different interests.
Speaking of her versatility (I'd say it's infinite), every time in our conversation I got to the point where I started to believe I knew Leona better and had enough information to compose her profile, at exactly that moment Leona would casually drop some new astonishing facts about her, like that she speaks seven languages, and she's just starting to learn Italian!
This versatility and desire to try new things motivated her to apply for the new pilot program at UWC Atlantic known as 'System Transformation Pathways' (developed in part by a Macedonian Vice-Principal at UWC Atlantic!), which aims to equip students with the necessary skills to tackle some of the most complex global challenges confronting humanity in combination with social-human subjects such as global politics, economics, English language, and literature. As she explains, UWC is her chance to try something new, and Leona is eager to make the most of it!
She spent her high school days at Yahya Kemal College, where she was focused on studying the natural sciences of biology and chemistry and many unique extracurricular activities such as the Ancient Greek Club or Latino Dances.
Her love and proactivity in getting to know the new environment in which she would find herself in a few weeks were obvious. Even now, Leona knows what would like to try at UWC Atlantic: volunteering at a Conversation Hour in one of the refugee centers in Cardiff. She also knows exactly what she wants to avoid: surfing, swimming, and sailing in January in the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Many of our candidates go to UWC to find themselves or figure out what they want to do. But Leona has already done a lot of that thinking, and walked me through her aspirations whilst growing up: “I have seen myself doing everything from being a cashier in Tinex to a businesswoman, astrophysicist, doctor, neurosurgeon, manager of a hotel chain.” Her current aspiration is a little different. Leona plans to continue studying business management and international relations upon graduating from UWC.
UWC isn't this high school student's first (and most certainly won't be the last) international experience. Last year, she spent 3 weeks in Munich, Germany, at a summer camp. Previously, she visited the United Kingdom, where she participated in an international English language competition in London, from which she returned with several medals.
As her departure date is nearing, something she knows she’ll miss is celebrating the birthdays of each of her classmates with a birthday cake. Leona also got one at the end of this school year – as a farewell gift for leaving the class. I have to say a cold shower, along with the entire house gathered in your dorm at midnight—something everyone traditionally gets for their birthday at UWC Atlantic—will be a different experience for Leona. She will also miss her grandma's sarma and the sunny weather at home. Although I had put in the effort to convince her that in Cardiff, Wales, she would easily recreate the sarma, I definitely couldn’t convince her she’ll recreate the sunny weather. Yet I am certain that her positive worldview will bring that sunshine even to the darkest corners of Wales.
July 2024,
Nela Chestojanova